Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Family Vacation June 15-June 20th

Zoe has had a lot of action in the last few weeks! She is now 20 weeks old, about 26 inches tall, and 15.6 pounds! She is our healthy chunky monkey! Mommy is going to have to do a ton of weights to keep up with my baby, if I plan to keep carrying and holding her!

We made it safe to El Paso and Las Cruces!
Zoe got to see a ton of family from both sides! She is definetly a great car rider in the morning! I stress "morning!" She visited two rest stops, lots of gas stations, and a wendys along the way and back. She attended her first wedding and wedding reception! She enjoyed her first hotel stay for two nights and even found time to swim twice! We were so blessed that she traveled so well!

We learned to not overwhelm her right when you get into town by putting her into all the willing hands waiting to hold her. She had a horrible first night out of town! Next time we will wait a little bit so she knows we are there and she can get use to the environment around her!

She is such a happy loving baby girl! She loves to be in loving hands and will give everyone a try! As long as it's before 6pm... then who know which baby girl we will get! Hahaha!

Her days are alittle better.
Up between 4:15-5:00am to eat and then back to sleep
Up between 7:00-8:30am to eat, change diaper and start her day (unless I run with her, she'd be up already)
Playing, exploring, smiling, laughing, talking, rolling

Nap between 10:00-11:00 (maybe 30 minutes to an hour), then playtime and eating time again

Nap again if we are lucky between 2:30-4:00 (maybe 45 minutes to 2 hours), then playtime and eating

Fussy time starts around 5pm, she can not decide what she wants or does not want all the way up until bedtime!

Afternoon walk happens around 7:15pm or I take her running at 7pm. Then we try to get her down for the night between 8:30-9:30pm.

She tends to change her schedule whenever she feels the need. Sometimes she naps off and on all day. Sometimes she denies herself a nap all day and is cranky. Sometimes she wants to stay up until midnight! Who knows, we will eventually get this routine and schedule thing together!

Here are all of the pictures of our baby girl since 17 weeks! Enjoy watching our baby girl grow and learn!

Below is her "jail bird" pj outfit!
Now we practically did take her room on this trip! I actually packed her clothes with mine and she took up half of the suit case, but had like double the amount of clothes:-)

Ozona was the first stop on our way across texas!

Just outside of Van Horn, we just left Wendys!

Somebody needed mommy in the back seat the last hour of the drive!

June 16th- day 2 Grandma Rhonda holding Zoe in the backyard of Great Grandma Moore "Mimi"

I love this picture infront of the Nectarine Tree in Mimis backyard! You can see the sun shining through. It's beautiful.

June 17th-Day 3- Being goofy in the backseat! Went to try and see Zoes only Great Grandpa, Brown Bag, and Addie Davis (like a 2nd mom to me).

Addie and Zoe

Visiting my bestfriend Ceci in Las Cruces. Here is her baby boy Adan making friends with Zoe. They were talking and flirting with each others smiles! He is 7 months here!

They kept working their faces towards each other! It was so cute! Adans brother, Santi said, "Zoe can be Adans wife!" It was so adorable!


Mommies and their children! Ceci with Ruben (maroon), Santi (red), and Baby Adan; Me with Zoe:-)
I like how we are looking at the kiddos!

4pm, Zoe is taking over the hotel! She says, "this is my bed!"

Mommy and her baby girl!

This is where baby girl slept at the hotel! Perfect for baby girl! I don't think she would have fit in July. ha ha ha

June 18th- Visiting Great Grandma Moore and second cousins Hannah, Malaki, and Zariah

Joey the jungle gym! There was a lot of competition of attention... it was so cute!

Just chillian on Great Grandma's floor!

So cute! Zariah kept reading any book to Joey!

Hannah trying to get Zoe to play with my mom's (her Grandma Lori) baby rattles from 1960! Cute!

Everyone wants his attention!

Sleepy baby and daddy!

More time with Great Grandma!

Taking a dip in the swimming pool at Great Grandmas!

Wedding time! Waiting with her great Uncle Doug and Aunt Sandy!

Our traditional, take a picture by ourselves picture... Why did you make that face Daddy?

Lucy holding Zoe next to Grandma Rhonda.

More family! We accidently all sat on the wrong side:-)

Daddy and is baby girl!

"Hey Mommy!"

Zoes Favorite 2nd/3rd or something Cousin or Aunt/Uncle Janene and Aaron getting married! I like Aunt/Uncle... who cares what the books say Zoe should call them!

Great Grandma Nelda Moore holding baby Zoe! Poor Grandma had bad luck because everytime she got home from work, Zoe was so cranky and fussy! So this was a golden moment!

Great Grandma Nelda Moore with her Menchey Great grand children!

Four Generations: Great Grandma Nelda Moore, Grandma Rhonda, Daddy-Joey, and baby Zoe!

FAMILY captured moment! Look at the cute couple with their adorable baby girl!

Family Picture! Zoe look at your hot parents! They love you so much:-)

Mommy and her baby girl!

I wore this dress on our 1st year wedding anniversary! Four years later I wear it again just 4 months after having baby Zoe!

Daddys Girl!

"No more pictures or I'll kick you!"

Uncle Jason holding baby Zoe!

Aunt Krystal holding baby girl!

Brothers with their daughters, the day before FATHERS DAY!

Great Uncle Doug, Great Grandma Nelda Moore, and Grandma Rhonda

The wedding started at 5pm, we were at the wedding reception right after that until 11pm! She gave in around 9:00pm. If Daddy was not rocking her, then she slept in her swing which is right next to him on the floor! She was such a good girl! Amazingly enough, she actually laid right next to the speakers from the dj. I can not believe she slept so well being so close to the dance floor, music, and people talking!


Daddy sporting his "NEW DADDY" shirt and his favorite baby girl!

Rocky holding Baby Zoe!

2nd Aunt or Cousin Cheryl holding Baby Zoe!

2nd/3rd or something Cousin Kylie holding Zoe!

Great Uncle Doug holding Zoe!

Cousin Kaylee wanted to walk baby Zoe around!

Great Aunt Katy

"Mom are you still over there?"

Great Uncle David

Later that evening we went to Uncle Jasons house for some yummy food and to hang out! Here Jessy and Jerry are teaching Baby Zoe to use a phone!

June 20th- "I love you so much!" Here we are near Ozona, on the way back home!

Here is a picture that was taken on the way to El Paso, those last few miles were so hard on her, she wanted out of that car seat! I have no idea why the picture is down here!

And finally, here is a picture of me after giving birth 4 months ago! I think I look good! I still need to tone up and run more, but hey I just had a baby! Baby Zoe, "look at your hot momma!"

Baby Zoe,

I am so glad we got to take you on a family trip about 1200 miles total, to El Paso, Las Cruces, and back to San Antonio/Converse! You were such a great sport! You practically slept the whole ride! It only took us 8 hours with you, when most people said it would take longer! We appreciate your kindness in controlling your random outburst, as Daddy calls your, "zero to 180 outburst!"

You got to meet so many new faces, all which we consider family! They love you so very much and enjoyed meeting you! Now you have pictures to remember those moments/faces!

Mommy also separated from you a few hours two nights in a row... it was really hard! Daddy wanted to get mommy out to hangout at night with the wedding party. It was the first time I ever left you at night time for a few hours, EVER! Time stood still and could not go any faster for me to get back to you! All I could think about was your well being, seeing your beautiful face, hearing you breathe, and holding you close to my heart! You definetly have me wrapped around your finger. It was nice to get out but extremely hard. I do not think I am ready for another night out for a while! I will tell Daddy that morning to evening outings without you are welcomed for now! Even then, all I will think about is your well being! I guess as a mom, I will now forever and always think about your well being! I guess that is what being a parent is all about. Loving, caring, and worrying about your children always! Being there for them whenever they need you!

I love you with every breathe I take and every inch of my body! You are a dream come true! Keep rolling over, smiling, laughing, working on sitting up, and even crawling. It's so awesome to see you growing so fast and learning from everything around you! Slow down baby girl, you are only this small once! I will miss it so much later when I can not hold you in my arms on my chest or carry you with one arm!

Love with all my heart,
