Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy July 3rd and 4th

Tuesday July 3rd
Zoe loves looking out the windows at the doggies!

But momma, I want to go out there...

Cutie pie with momma!

Roller coaster game at peter piper pizza with Gilly!

Mommy ran the 4 miler freedom race! First 3.1 miles with a little walking was: 22:09, but total 4 mile with 1:25 of walking included was 29:59.  I was the 10th female, 2nd in age group, 60th overall of a total of about 800 runners!  It was not my best but I was alittle tired and hot but all in all I beat a lot of non-mommy runners and way younger runners! It felt great!
Best part is always holding my baby girl after!

I love you Zoe Grace! You are doing such a good job on the potty! Keep it up and we will go shopping for some new big girl panties! Thank you for all the hugs and kisses!
Love, Momma