Monday, May 28, 2012

Zoe is 1 year and 3.5 months old! (15.5 months)

Today Daddy took Mommy and Zoe to Fredericksburg!  On May 27th, we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary! Mommy took Daddy and Zoe to eat at The Guenther House on the just right above the river walk! It was beautiful! The food was awesome!  We had so much fun all together. So back to Daddys adventure for us... so celebrating our 6th Anniversary means traditional with sweets and iron.  Mommy and Daddy were on the same note giving very similar thoughtful gifts.

Fredericksburg was so amazing!  Great chocolate, wine, food, and scenery!
Here are some great moments captured in pictures!

Zoe Grace,
One day you will meet your soul mate.  May he be your happiness and joy as you daddy is to me!  May he be your bestfriend and fill you with so much love just like what I have in your daddy!
I love you with all my heart and soul!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

15 Months and growing! (1 year 3 months old)

My sweetie pie is so adorable! I love this precious girl with all my heart! She is talking all the time, singing, humming, dancing, walking, running, climbing, and learning new things all the time!
She loves to read books, watch word world, watch barney, use daddys phone to play the fisher price games, loves playing with the doggies, and loves going to the little gym!
She weighs 22 pounds (38 percentile) and is 30.25 inches tall (76 percentile)!
Here are the captured moments of her cutest this past week!

Mommy I love my rocking horse!


Here is my precious baby girl! The reason I get to celebrate MOTHERS DAY! The greatest gift from God above! Her is my baby girl on Mothers Day! My happiness!

Bad picture... but I'll keep it... I could not see... the sun was so bright! 

Daddy, can I drive?

Mommy had a day with Zoe! She was eating cereal with a little milk in a bowl... then it started becoming more diffcult! So we moved to a plate! She ate every single piece! Eventually she will slurpe up the milk!

My cutie let me put pig tails in her hair! They lasted only one hour! One day baby girl... you will let me do your hair! Well correction, keep your hair done after mommy does it!

She loves the street. She walked right over there and sat down!

We went to the Zoo! She loved the Monkeys but kept calling them, "MOMMAS!" It made me laugh so much!

Next favorite thing was the birds and the fishies!

Then the hippos and fishies!

She kept trying to climb up!

We spent a long time in the petting zoo area!  She loved this piggy!

She was trying to brush the goat and the piggy! It was cute! She brushed them but I was unable to grab the camera and be there! It was so much fun to see her interact!

Baby Zoe,
Thank you for the light in each day! Thank you for everything! I loved that day I got to hangout with you! I love each and everyday with you!
I love you with all me heart sweetie!