Sunday, October 24, 2010

12 mile run and cute diaper cake!

12 MILES with my baby!

Today I ran 12 miles to prepare for the San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon on Nov. 14th. I ran as much as I could and walked all the lovely hills thrown at us! It feels nice to run when I get in my groove, like after 2 miles!!!! I get tired like after 10 miles.... then I am ready to be done, so 13.1 should be the perfect distance! So baby Zoe will get to complete the race with me in my tummy! How exciting!!!!

When I arrived at the Benchmark run today, my friend Ron showed up with the cutest thing ever. His wife made us a winnie the pooh diaper cake! I thought it was the most thoughtful thing ever and never expected anyone to do such a thing! How amazing and thoughtful and caring some people are! Thanks Miller Family!

The picture is above because I cannot figure out how to put it below the text! lol!
Have a great day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Growing Baby, growing Belly!

Our baby girl is growing in my belly!

I have been wanting to start a blog like many of my friends... So here I am, day one!

I am so excited to have a blog about our adventure into pregnancy! My hubby and I tried to get pregnant for 2 years and were blessed with this gift right at the two year mark of trying!

I am almost 23 weeks pregnant on Sunday! My belly has grown over night within the last two weeks... It is amazing how quick a baby can grow in the belly!!! Our baby's name will be, "ZOE." Joey and I like the middle name "Rae" but have just fell in love with "Grace." I will keep you updated! Did you know "Zoe" means life and living. How amazing that the very thing in my tummy, that we have been dreaming and praying for is this wondergul gift of life and we are naming her ZOE, the very thing! Life is awesome and God is good! I am so thankful for this gift!

I decided to attach the pictures of my growing belly, with baby Zoe being the force that moves it! lol!
The picture above starts my journey in April 2010, Attending and participating in the BOSTON MARATHON!!!! One month before becoming pregnant!
Being new to blogging, I posted the pictures out of order of this post because I did not know you had to publish after saving! lol!
