Thursday, September 20, 2012

September was a busy month! 19 months old and more

Zoe Grace and her parents have had a very busy month. She is growing so fast and learning more and more each day.  Below she was painting with mommy! She loved it and had biggest tantrum afterwards to express her love for painting!

This is the silly girl we get every night!  Here she is hiding her black eye she got three weeks before at daycare.

My tired baby!

Look at this cutie pie and her pigtails! You can still see her black eye!

If we do not get the silly baby girl we get the cranky, need my milk, my doll, blanket, and some micky mouse club baby girl!

Telling everyone goodmorning after a fresh shower!

Having a blast in her table tent!

Zoe ready for some late football!

Zoe had the roughest night ever which landed her at the doctors office all day and a soft purple cast on her left arm!  No breaks or fractures but a dislocation...  She wore it for five days almost!  My poor sweetie.  See her poofy eyes from all the tears that she shed all day...

Funny how a little rest is a big difference to a toddler... here she is hours later at mommies work for parent teacher open house... playing with what will be her Christmas present... shhh... it was a preview for her and hey... how can you tell a cute baby that went through a lot no after the night and day that she had... the good news is... she was distracted by all the kids and parents so I was able to pack it away so she will see it next on Christmas!  So here she is a few hours after getting her first purple cast and smiley and happy!

Here is the baby girl we got the next morning!  So exhausted and tired!  She tried to get us to stay home but somebody had to make the money!

Cutie at the little gym!

Zoe playing with her daddy's cell phone!

She loves shopping with mommy and daddy!

The middle of september marked Zoes last time to have mommies milk!  Thank you from up above that I was able to get enough to freeze and give to her each and everyday for the last 19 months!  Some great nutrients and vitamins from her momma!  Breastfed 16 months and still enjoyed mommas milk for 3 more months!  Pretty awesome! What a blessing!  These are the last two bags that she enjoyed!

Here is Zoe's sibling... boy or girl... we will know next month!  Here baby #2 is 12 weeks and 4 days old!  Keep growing strong baby, mommy and daddy are here cheering and praying for your to keep growing more and more each day!  Zoe is watching you grow healthy and strong too so that she play with you next year!

So far I have gained 6 pounds, crave little debbies, jalepeno cheetos, sour chewy candies, cookies, potatoes with anything, and do not like meat of any kind!  Do to being a little more tired, I have only managed to run 1-2 a week...

More hopes that the next month is easier to get moving!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BIG Sister and turning 18 months!

On July 20th, we found out we were being blessed with another baby!  Zoe is going to be a BIG SISTER!  We headed to Kohls the very next day, bought this shirt and only sent pictures of her wearing it to Grandparents!  Boy did it trick them!  It took a few hints, but they were all excited! Zoe is going to be the best Big Sister ever!

Here she is saying, "I have an announcement!"

Baby Menchey 2, at 8 weeks 5 days!

This was a moment I caught while Brianna was visiting with us! Look how technology is affecting out future! Zoe at 1.5 and Brianna at 15! Real funny!

August 11, Zoe attended a birthday Party at  Just Add Children! Lots of cool things to play on and with! Here she is Chef Zoe!

See Daddy in the background!

Zoe and Gillian being so cute together!

August 14th, Zoe had her 18 month check up! She weighs 24 pounds and is 33 inches tall!  She still naps 3-4 hours on the weekends for us! She plays with baby dolls, blocks, the ball pit, and loves reading books!  She is still doing really good with potty training with a few step backs every now and then! It's ok... we are going slow since she is not even 2 yet... lets now rush things!  She speaks a lot of words and every now and then you can hear her say a three word sentence when helping her!  Our favorite sign for her to do is "Please!" It is the most adorable thing because instead of up toward her chest... she rubs her tummy! So cute! I think she signs this one because she does not quite say it yet!
Right now my favorite word for her to say is Momma... because there are no Monkeys around for her to confuse me with! lol!  The other word is probably, "TURTLE!"  She sounds so cute saying it!

After the appt. we went to the Zoo to ride the train! It's mommies last day before work!  It was our first time to ride the train! Zoe loved it!

Mommy got a free book done from shutterfly! We did Zoe's First Birthday!

Zoe, Daddy, and I went for pictures at the very beginning of the month! NONA HALL did our pictures at Landa Library Park! She is absolutely amazing and I highly recommend her if you need some awesome pictures done!  Here are a few of the sneak peeks she let us see so far~! I hope you enjoy them!

Such a cutie!

Mommy had to walk to the car to get something... all of the sudden I hear Zoe crying! But do not see her! Boo... my poor baby fell off the wall!

Daddy loving on his baby girl!

Love this look she is making!

Mommy came running over to check over one more time!

Look at the precious child!

Loving the swing!

I love this picture!

We did not realized just how dirty this swing was... lol! Guess we should have stuck with the big one!

Love that smirk!

Breakfast at the EGG & I.

Zoe Grace,
Mommy loves you with all of her heart! Each and everyday is a preicous gift from God above. I am so blessed to have you! You really made us so happy! Where were we before you?  Thank you for being our dream come true for our little family soon to be plus one!  I know once you understand you will be so excited to have a sibling! You are such a great helper at home, I know you will be awesome!
Love, Momma