Monday, August 6, 2012

Busy in July

Wow, July was such a busy month for our family!  We traveled to Arlington, Dallas, Ft. Worth, The Colony, Corpus Christi, Rockport, and Port Aransas! We got lots of time with our family and friends during this time as well! Zoe has proven she loves to be near or in water anytime! She loved spending time with her cousins and close friends.  I think I have seen her grow more in this month then any so far.

Zoe is showing alittle more toddler traits! She is now throwing a few more tantrums and saying "NO" a lot more.  I have to be careful to what she is exposed to because she is like a sponge, soaking it all in to replay for us later. She does mimic or say what ever she sees.  Watch out... I think these are the early terrible "twos" and we are only at almost 1.5 years!

Potty training is going great! She'll have days where she only has 1-2 accidents in her diaper or training panties.  And then from all the traveling these last two weeks, regressed a few days or so to not a chance on earth I'm going on the potty.  I think we are over that hump, she has gone on the potty the last three days with only using the diaper for nap time, bedtime, and impossible getting to the potty while out and about times.  I'm very proud of her! She even went to daycare a few weeks ago and went all day on the potty!  That shows we have been working on this! So about 6 weeks into a slow approach to potty training and I think it is paying off!  I went out and bought her some big girl panties and a few more training panties to use everyday on our last week off on summer break!  We want to leave her at daycare when school starts with a pretty high rate of using the potty!  After these last few days it shouldn't be a problem!

We did go to an awesome Leukemia and Lymphoma Yard Sale Fundraiser and score on some awesome merchandise! Even better because it was for a great cause!  We spent like $79. We got a fax/printer machine, a double jogging stroller (for when we are lucky for 2 kiddos), drawing magdadoodle, puzzles, megablock like legos, micky mouse music player and book, vtech musical book, books, and a really nice/big fisher price toy box!  What a great deal!  It's really cool because I have really been wanting to buy Zoe blocks and the magnadoodle, I waited and got them for $2 each!  I am so glad all the money went for such a great cause! Saving one life at a time! I do see Team in Training in my future again! It really is a life changing experience!

Ok, now to the main event!

Here are all of the captured pictures of the awesome things we did in July! I hope you enjoy them!

Zoe Grace,
Thank you for giving us so much joy each and everyday!