Saturday, March 17, 2012

Life as a one year old!

Zoe has been one for one whole month now! Here are a few pictures of the captured moments as a running around energetic one year old!  She walks, runs, climbs, falls, talks a few words here and there, brushes her hair, brushes her teeth, and likes to color on the white board!
She likes to play with her kitchen from her Uncle Nick and her doggy violet from Uncle John and Aunt Cheryl!
Words that she used this past month: mom, momma, dad, dada, dog, more, milk, yes, bye, ni ni (night night), boo, and moo. There might be a few more I did not mention.
She has been able to kick the soccer ball around since after her birthday and throw balls a good distance for her age! It's pretty cool to see! I can't wait until she is running with me in little races! Soon enough Daddy will be watching, maybe coaching her in 3 year old soccer games! And I will get my turn too.... in summer track when she is about 4 or 5! I can not wait! So many things to try and join!
She has just become a member of the little gym! Lost of fun time tumbling and climbing around from now until the end of August! Money well spent!

She loves to go up and down the stairs with as little help as possible.... Going is the easy part... down... "momma" holds her hand!

On her way to daycare! She is so cute in her dress!

Momma do you want this marker?

Ok, I asked you.... guess it's mine!

Thank you Mimi for the kleenex! My nose was so crazy! Such a cutie in this picture!

Zoe loves to play in her ballpit!

Another cute dress for daycare! She looks so precious in this outfit!

I have been one for a week... Daddy and Mommy faced my car seat forward! She loves it!

She has an addiction to "Cherrios!" It was funny to watch her go and grab this box to carry it from Momma to Dada!  Can you see the "ZOE TORNDADO" that hit in the back ground?


Another cute day, ready for daycare!

Mommy you sure did put me in a lot of dresses this month! But I know I look so adorable in them! I like her face in this picture for some reason!

Daddy loving on his baby girl!

Zoe leaving for daycare! She was sad because she wanted to get in the jogger to go for a walk!

All better, my daddy is holding me!

At daycare helping Pam mow the grass!

I took Zoe in the backyard! She was so fascinated with the gravel and sand! She kept moving her hands in it! I was amazed that she only tried to eat it once!

Mommy get this off of my hands!

The first day of Sping Break! Mommy showed Zoe some "BARNEY." She loves it for some reason... daddy hates it... mommy is ok with it! This was the first day baby girl started getting sick!  She has been sick with an upper respiratory cold for the entire Spring Break! We spent the week in the house taking care of this very fussy sick feverish baby! She had temperatures from 100.8-103, maybe even higher at night! She spent 2-3 days only wanting to be held with mostly sleeping and no eating, but was nursing! Then she spent the next four not eating meals or nursing... barely drinking... but found a new love for maybe 4-6 gold fish and maybe a handful of cherrios every now and then. She went to the doctor two times and seems to be getting better but is just miserable in the process!  We definately were not planning on spending our break this way, but were glad we could be home with her in this horrible feeling time for her!

Zoe had cabin fever, so mommy took her for a walk! She loved the fresh air at 7:30am!

By 10:30am, back to being miserable! Poor baby girl!

Look at all the ways we try to distract her from feeling horrible! "PHONE, LAPTOP, AND PRICE TAGS!"

Doctors office!  Turns out she now weighs 20.5 pounds! She has lost 1 pound since Spring Break started! Poor baby!

Mommy luring Zoe with everything when she'll take it!  I even tried a bottle... nope! She had no clue what it was for! She has not used one since like 6 months.

On the way to go eat dinner! She loves her bunny! She was glad to get out!

103 fever.... naked time again!

Here mommy!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am still sick!!! Grandma Rhonda might come watch me a few days next week so I can get loved on if I am still sick while mommy and daddy work!

Mommy loves you! Please get better! We want to take you every where and play with you! We miss your happy smiles and sparkles in your eyes! We miss you eating well and drinking well! Please get better!
Love, Mommy and Daddy